TECO variable-frequency commercial refrigerator--a valuable help for dining industry

来源:haoxiumin 发布时间:2021-01-22 17:27:32 点击数: 26

Weima Electric (Shanghai) Ltd.

In line with its exhibition theme "TECO a trustworthy partner for the food industry," TECO Electric & Machinery will exhibit IE3 high-performance nine-furrow motor and high-performance inverter for application in aquaculture, along with variable-frequency commercial refrigerator, the only such indigenous model, during Food Taipei 2020, which opens today (Dec. 17).


Sophia Chiu, TECO chairman, points out the company's exhibits underscore the company's foray into the sectors of aquaculture and dining, breaking the confinement of the industrial sector, adding that the variable-frequency commercial refrigerator on display can save power consumption by over 40%, or over NT$350 saving in monthly electricity bill in the case of the four-door model, which allows recoupment of purchasing cost in less than two years. Moreover, the refrigerator boasts cloud-end alert function, helping businesses detect abnormal situation and avoid breakdown in time, which causes food waste. Other features include environment-friendly fluorine-free refrigerant, AI smart temperature control, and flexible adjustment of compartment space, as well as function options of half freezing and half refrigeration, full freezing, or full refrigeration.


The high-performance waterwheel motor has been developed under the instruction of Theodore Huang, chairman of TECO Group, in order to support the development of local aquaculture. The "nine-furrow motor" is designed for application in oxygen-enhancement equipment of waterwheel, boasting long product life, thanks to use of key stainless-steel components with high anti-corrosion and weather-endurance capabilities. Due to high electricity efficiency, installation cost can be recouped within half a year to one year.


It is estimated that substitution of high-performance motors for all of the existing 1 million oxygen-enhancement machines for aquaculture in Taiwan can cut CO2 emission by 500,000 tons a year, 1,272 times the carbon absorption capacity of Daan Park in Taipei. Moreover, installation of TECO's high-protection inverters and mobile device for controlling the operating speed of waterwheel and issuing alert for malfunction can help fishing ponds convert into a automated and smart one, on top of cutting power consumption. TECO stresses that E510s IP66 on display is applicable to various adverse environment for agriculture and aquaculture, adding that it already has an impressive track record, including applications in Australia's husbandry industry and the U.S. food processing industry.


TECO a reliable partner for food industry

TECO's exhibition booth in the show also includes products of the group's other brands, including products for food production and food sales, all embodying TECO's technological strength and sustainability concept, in order to help the development of the Taiwanese food industry. 

Information sources: TECO https://www.teco.com.tw

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