• RENK Slide Bearing

    RENK Slide Bearing

    RENK Slide Bearings,RENK Slide Bearing,RENK sleeve bearing

    Brand : RENK

    Type : EF/EM/ER/EG

    RENK Slide Bearings,RENK Slide Bearing,RENK sleeve bearing

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  • Michell Bearings

    Michell Bearings

    Michell Vertical Bearings

    Brand : Michell

    Type : AV, LV and V Series

    Michell Vertical Bearings

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  • Zollern Plain Bearing-ZR/ZF/ZM

    Zollern Plain Bearing-ZR/ZF/ZM

    Zollern Plain Bearing,Zollern Slide Bearing,Zollern Sleeve Bearing,ZR Series,ZF Series,ZM Series

    Brand : Zollern/Miba

    Type : ZR/ZF/ZM

    Zollern Plain Bearing,Zollern Slide Bearing,Zollern Sleeve Bearing,ZR Series,ZF Series,ZM Series

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  • SUND - Vertical Thrust Sliding Bearing Series

    SUND - Vertical Thrust Sliding Bearing Series

    Brand : SUND

    Type : SM/SMZ/SP/SMD

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  • SUND - C Horizontal Sliding Bearing Series

    SUND - C Horizontal Sliding Bearing Series

    Brand : SUND

    Type : CF/CM/CR/CG

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  • Michell Bearings - HD Series

    Michell Bearings - HD Series

    Brand : Michell

    Type : HD Series

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  • Michell Bearings - IH Series

    Michell Bearings - IH Series

    Brand : Michell

    Type : IH Series

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  • WG type – pedestal bearing

    WG type – pedestal bearing

    Brand : RENK

    Type : WG type

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  • SC type – pedestal bearing

    SC type – pedestal bearing

    Brand : RENK

    Type : SC type

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  • V type – vertical flange mounted bearing

    V type – vertical flange mounted bearing

    Brand : RENK

    Type : V type

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  • EV type – vertical bearing insert

    EV type – vertical bearing insert

    Brand : RENK

    Type : EV type

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  • EG/ER type – unfinned pedestal bearing

    EG/ER type – unfinned pedestal bearing

    Brand : RENK

    Type : EG/ER

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  • EM type – finned middle flange bearing

    EM type – finned middle flange bearing

    Brand : RENK


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  • EF type – finned side flange mounted bearing

    EF type – finned side flange mounted bearing

    Brand : RENK


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  • Diaphragm couplings

    Diaphragm couplings

    Brand : RENK

    Type : Diaphragm couplings

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  • RAFLEX flexible disk couplings

    RAFLEX flexible disk couplings

    Brand : RENK

    Type : RAFLEX

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  • Basic series of gear couplings

    Basic series of gear couplings

    Brand : RENK

    Type : SB/SBk/LBk

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  • HYGUARD® –hydraulic safety coupling

    HYGUARD® –hydraulic safety coupling

    Brand : RENK

    Type : HYGUARD®

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  • KPAV vertical mill gear unit

    KPAV vertical mill gear unit

    Brand : RENK

    Type : KPAV

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  • COPAZ planetary gearbox

    COPAZ planetary gearbox

    Brand : RENK

    Type : COPAZ

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